Industries consumed Over 30% of U.S. Energy

Graph of energy delivered to the industrial sector by subsector, 2011, as explained in article textAccording to the EIA The U.S. industrial sector was responsible for more than 30% of total U.S. energy consumption in 2011. While the term ‘industrial sector’ may sound remote to the general public, its impact on daily life is highlighted by the wide range of industrial activities represented by the products and equipment found at a local supermarket.
EIA: What’s New

Clean Energy Trust Receives $1.05 Million U.S. Department of Energy Grant; Organization Looks to Create Clean Energy …

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Clean Energy Trust has received a .05 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help transfer research from Illinois’ world-class universities and science labs into clean energy
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Offshore Power: Building Renewable Energy Projects in U.S. Waters

As the United States seeks ways to meet the ever-increasing power needs of its large coastal population areas, there’s a growing focus on the plentiful renewable energy resources located just offshore.

In their new book, energy experts Markian Melnyk and Robert Andersen outline the important new offshore options available to a nation on the threshold of a green revolution. The experience gained by early offshore oil and gas prospectors, as well as by more recent developers of
Offshore Power: Building Renewable Energy Projects in U.S. Waters